My Testimony of Hope…I’ve Been There would not have been possible without the many people who shaped my life and encouraged me to write my life story. In my earlier life the first acknowledgment goes to my family of origin…especially my mother Edwina Kathleen (Howells) Cunningham and father Greg Allan Salmond Cunningham.
During my daunting experiences with them I set out on a quest to look beyond the appearance of things, discover my own answers and live an authentic life. Had life been ‘easier’ that may not have occurred. This book would not have come to fruition without the strong belief my life and business partner David Malloy has in me to set my heart/mind on most anything and achieve it. His presence in my life and unwavering support and belief in me is a blessing and gift that keeps on giving.
Special thanks are due to long time friends Anne and Tom Ostry, Sandy Carriere, Carole Allister and Anna Olson for helping me to believe in the merit of this book. I also appreciate other friends who patiently reviewed the manuscript and offered feedback and encouragement: John and Dina McAmmond, Staci Jensen, Dayna from the Laurel Center and Ruth Minneker. When friend and mentor Ray Torgrud read my manuscript validated it provided some wing beneath my wings. Ray assisted me in launching my career in writing, hosting and producing talk shows. His ethical approach to communicating ideas in factual unbiased created a framework for how I communicate ideas to this day. Having Ray endorse my book kept my motivation up.
Thanks also go to the clients and participants we have connected with through our personal development company Fresh Beginnings ( During “appropriate disclosure” about my healing journey they continually stated that “this story needs to be told” and I am grateful for how they planted the seeds to help me actually do it.
Appreciation goes to the team at the Quality of Course Writing School: Alex Myers, Gilda Freitas and tutor Mike Morella. Their excellent training and constructive critiques improved my writing and marketing abilities. Alex has always makes herself available to me and has provided a lot of direction and encouragement. I am grateful for her time, interest and belief in this book.
This book would not be where it is today without some friends David and I have never met in person. We came together when we created the Fresh Beginnings social forum on the Ning Network and we have successful created an online family. Willow, Marie, Victor, Margaret and Victor read the book prior to publication and offered reviews and encouragement.
Victor and I had previously met on the Mylot social forum and during that time I was struggling with how to get I’ve Been There into circulation and finish up the final edits. He offered to help with the edits and design a website to promote it. Victor truly is a prayer answered and I continually tell him so. David and I have lasting appreciation for Victor’s unwavering commitment to the Fresh Beginnings forum and the launch of the website for this Victor gives of himself, his talent and creative abilities in unconditionally loving ways. I am deeply touched and grateful his generosity and belief in this book and for the way he showcased it on the website he created.
The fact that David and I have not met these latter day friends I person but they have become such an important part our lives confirms our belief that everyone is connected in mysterious and wondrous ways within this One-Song of life. The soul family connections we now enjoy are healthy, loving and honoring. It has been said friends are the family God forgot to give us and David and I know that to be true in our case.
Thank you…one and all and may we all continue to create fresh beginnings and happy endings for many years to come.
I believe that there can miracles when we believe and we must never give up until they occur.
Love, light and blessings,
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