My life and business partner David and I keep coming up in my thoughts about the importance of remaining mindful and conscious as much as possible throughout the day. This has to do with dealing with misconceptions of ourselves and others, as well as our expectations of ourselves and others too. It's important to think about expectations and what they are based on. Societal, familial or self expectations can be undermining in so many ways. from relationships, motivation and the growth we seek.
It is time to release all the inner and outer noise and develop the clarity about how each of us fits within existing structures and systems--or not. David and I are a place in life where we no longer feel the need to be tied down to any structure or system. Instead we choose to believe that we are here to break free from them and live with the idea that there is no ceiling to how good life can be. Within the growing awareness within society there is greater acceptance that there’s always multiple ways to do them, and sometimes brand new ways to do them. W hen you push someone in one direction forcefully, the opposite direction will become more attractive for that person. Don’t push anyone to do or follow something forcefully, it will only lead to destruction, but instead of compelling stand beside and guide them with love and understanding, give people time, ask them to take it slowly and at the end you will see the beauty within them.
Many of old systems don’t apply anymore and no longer work. Change can be channeling because they are what people know and familiar with and they may accept things without questions. During sessions with clients we encourage them to think beyond existing parameters. Critical thinking re-frames old archives and assists in more neutral, objective thinking rather than boxing ides in with long lists of rules and regulations. It is time to more questions and decide what is valid for who we are and where we are, who are the authorities and who is making the rules we live by.
There are many who are beginning to shatter old perceptions and begin thinking beyond limitation. It is a time to begin thinking outside the box and opening up to other aspects of who we are within our Divinity. We are not here to fit in at any cost. We are being called to break free of old patterns, delusions and conditioned existence. As we transform your inner world and heighten awareness it creates a ripple effect that inspires other people to break free old ties that used to bind. Within our personal and professional experience we believe this applies to anyone who is interested in transforming and awakening to broader perspectives life. As we do it opens the way to live a more self-accountable life as we work with the law of cause/effect/choice/consequence.
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